Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Funeral Potatoes

We turned the corner and see the white hearse and two white sedans parked on the road in front our chapel....

It is only then that I realize what I've been dreading most about my nutty week leading up to an elderly gentleman's funeral and me being asked to coordinate the large luncheon that followed his service...the funeral.

My eyes fill with tears as Grant pulls into the Church parking lot and I am instantly back a decade ago, when Kelli and I climbed in white sedans and followed the white hearse carrying my mom's casket to the cemetery. That chilly, windy  February day in Lethbridge was a horrible one and one I hadn't thought of in forever....

Get your crap together woman, I kept telling myself as I unloaded equipment, center pieces and dinner buns from the back of our van, more than an hour before the funeral...

I quickly retrieve tables from the empty Relief Society room, only to realize the casket is in the corner....

I retreat to the kitchen and say a silent prayer that I can face this funeral and do what I've been asked to do.

A few deep breaths and I focus on the task at hand....
 (the same meal served at BOTH my parents funerals and yes according to the internet, Mormon's actually invented funeral potatoes, Yay, Mormons ;))
I had TONS of help, all were fed, and all went well...
But I never quite shook the memories of the day we buried my Mom as I watched another family say goodbye to their Dad..
Funerals will always be hard.
And kids, please take notice...if any of you serve ham or funeral potatoes at my funeral, I will HAUNT you for the rest of your days, you hear me!


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