Thursday, September 22, 2011

Meet Our Newest....Band Geek.

So most of the Kramer household are currently walking around with headphones on and I just turned the news up like I suddenly have the ears of an eighty year old. Why might you ask....

Alex just came home from her first day of band class and will not let anyone pry her alto sax from her cold, soon-to-be dead fingers.

Dallyn: "Mom are you going do something about the moose dying in Alex's room ?!?!"

Its been a few years since a rug rat has started a new instrument and oh how I had forgot the assault on the eardrums that we must endure for a month or two. {Here's hoping?}

Alex learned three notes today..... C, D, E. or let me just say C HHOONNKK, D SQUEEEEEEK, E BBBBEEEELLLCCCHHH!

Way to go Alex, our newest little band geek!!! And may God bless band teachers every where. How my Dad taught High School Band for 35 years, I'll never know.


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