Sunday, October 2, 2011

Birthday Blessings

I guess you never truly understand wanting something until it is just out of your grasp. My parents prayed for, planned for, and paid for parenthood for years and years before that blessing became a reality in their lives. I don't know if I could have stayed the course the same way they did, but then again parenthood became my reality before it was even planned for or prayed for.
My sister and I came more than eleven years into my parents marriage. From the beginning we knew we very much wanted, that we were miracles, we knew that there had been countless procedures and fertility drugs, we knew about the bed rest and a precarious pregnancy and the blessing of two preemies.

I surely will never understand the patience and heartache the must have endured. But what I do have is a great respect for the sacrifice they made to become parents.

So on my birthday I say thank you to a Mom and a Dad who gave everything they had for a blessing many of us take for granted. Because of you I am a Quirky, irreverent, happy, funny, mother of five who will joyfully continue the tradition of embarrassing my offspring and always remembering the blessings of birthdays.


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