Sunday, August 31, 2014

Church is Exhausting.

What do you mean, you can't find your pants???

Pants-less child is the same one I yelled at, for the third time, to get out of bed....

Now he was standing in the middle of every article of clothing, he owns, his search required him to empty his dresser and closet...still NO pants.

Wear whatever!?!?! You are still going to church....

I walk away from the battle. We just need to get there today.

Dallyn goes to Church in jeans, shirt and tie...

Church is a struggle sometimes.

Superman often struggles to get there...sometimes its medication, sometimes its fear of having to interact with people he doesn't feel understand him, sometimes its heart ache....

"Did anyone ask where I was today???" Many Sundays I don't have an answer for him....

It had been 5 Sundays since Superman had found the courage to come with us and this morning we were both determined to get there, together.

The biggest battle is just getting there, sometimes. We won that battle today.

As we sat in the pew, exhausted....I wondered how many others around me felt exhausted too...

It can be a great act of courage to come to church....and that isn't just true for my family...

My heart struggled to focus today... I wish I felt safer at Church... I wish more understood our struggles and specific needs.... I wish people were kinder to each other, like actually thought "is this kind? Is this helpful?" BEFORE speaking and acting....

I wish Dallyn could find his pants.

Please don't report me ;) My testimony is still strong...I'm just exhausted today :)


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