Saturday, August 2, 2014

Home on Grant

We was a Herculian task and I haven't felt this tired since 1990-something...But sitting here tonight in my own home with the hard stuff of the last few months behind me, I feel beyond grateful for the challenges and blessings that got us here to something-something-eight Grant Ave.

We are old hats at this moving thing....but making the decision to buy, move and stay was a difficult thing in our circumstances ...All the stress and change, even for a positive thing was and is risky. And I accepted willingly that much of the doing would fall on my shoulders...

Everything eventually fell together, the blessings there, never lost on me...
But it still got really, really hard, superman really struggled and I really worried...
I needed help, but it was the kind of help, I couldn't find the words to ask for. 
This last week there were many nights I crawled in bed, sure I couldn't possibily figure out or manage all that needed doing the next day...I did the only thing I could do...I prayed...that I would either find added strength or added hands. Both came.

Friends ran to my rescue, each knowing what I needed, without me humbled that my prayers were  heard and answered. 

Tonight I feel loved and tonight I am home.

Weird, we found an old forgotten laundry's awesome and yes I plan on using it... But judging on the rug rats abilities to use hampers, it might take them a while to master the concept :)


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