Thursday, May 17, 2012

Messing Up Muffins...

Step by step.

1. Made bran muffins this morning (from a mix, I made sure the mix had stuff in it I couldn't pronounce so don't worry I haven't turned into that Island granola head, yet) Its a miracle I entered the kitchen before 8 am.

2. Asked the Superman if he wanted some before work.

3. Buttered two muffins and handed Superman his plate.

4. Buttered my own muffins.

5. Grant, "Did you use garlic butter Robin"

6. Did I?, smelling my own muffins...smells like it.

7. Grant: "I thought they were a bit off"

8. Superman was nearly done his last muffin before he realized it.

9. Great now I'm going to smell like garlic all day !?!

Its not my fault and no I didn't do it on purpose (maybe)....Bailey had mixed up butter and garlic salt to make garlic bread for dinner, last night and put the left overs back in the same butter container. (Dad would like to personally thank you, Bailey)

mmmmm warm bran muffins and garlic should try it ?!? Sorry least all the vampires will leave you alone today :)


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