Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sunday Morning Circus

So here's my confession: Sometimes I hate Sunday mornings, okay maybe hate's a strong word, but sometimes I look forward to them with all the joy and anticipation of going bathing suit shoping with the female rug rats or school band concerts......

This morning was a Sunday morning epic fail....

6:30 am- I am ironing the Superman's white shirt and desperately trying to locate a second black sock.....

6:38 am- The Superman asks me to fix his collar and the moment I realize my head is pounding....

6:55 am- The clanging of the spoon against the Superman's cereal bowl from the kitchen is making my head throb louder

7:05- am The Superman shuts the front door and walks down the front walk on his way to bishopric

7:08 am The Advil bottle, is no where to be found, so I decide to trying going back to sleep....

8:35 am (Church starts at 9:30) "Mom is anybody going to church today?" Crap, Yes we are all going!?"

8:42 am I hip check Alex out of the way to get in the shower first

8:55 am I realize nobody has woken up Maddie or Dallyn (not my job...) "UP NOW!"...and yes you are going.

9:02 am I plug the hairdryer in the living room because there is no room in the bathroom.

9:05 am Dallyn's door slams, something about a missing belt

9:10 am Check on belt status, can only find a red one, wear it nobody will see it under your suit he rufuses and slams the door for the second time.

9:11 am The superman walks in the door "I can hear the yelling and door slaming down the street!"

9:13 am A lecture on patiance and parenting falls on very annoyed and deaf ears....

9:14 am Wait, why are you home anyways...."New meds causing bad side effects..." Sigh are you okay?" Probably....

9:22 am Can't find my checkbook, bag or scriptures...

9:25 am Walk out the door with Dallyn traipsing 30 feet behind..."With his my life sucks scowl on his face....

9:26 am Mustering my Sunday smile I shake our bishops hand and take my spot to lead the music

9:28 am Spot Sister W, realizing my head is going to pop off my body and I really shouldn't leave the Superman alone, I hand the hymn book to her and head home....

9:32 am Walk back in the door check on the Superman , find the Advil (finally) and crawl back in bed.

10:45 am Bailey, followed close behind by Dallyn ... "So you ditch church Mom""yes I needed to come home" Well if you get to be inactive do we... WHATEVER ....they had a point .

2:12 pm I finally crawl out of bed.

Don't get me wrong, I know church is where I should and need to be.....But even this Mormon mom has bad days.Please tell me we are normal,  after 19 years why are Sunday mornings still such a circus???....


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My Sunday up North here didn't go as usual either... just thought I'd let you know you are not alone in the Sundays can be tough.. I lead the music in our branch as well and went back to bed because the smile that is most times effortless just couldn't be faked. Hugs a bunches! By the way I love your teen girls. We get to see them at Stake Youth Activities. Sister N

  3. I would enjoy bathing suit shopping and a school band concert more than I enjoy getting everyone ready on Sunday mornings. It's HARD!! And, no matter how prepared we are beforehand, something always goes wrong. It's unpredictable, and something different every week. Sunday mornings I wish I had a magic wand. I guess I was hoping it would get easier as my kids get bigger, but I guess not, hey?! :) Hang in there, Robin!
