Monday, April 25, 2011

Family History Mystery

My Superman is on holidays for the next week. Its a stay-cation and Grant had mentioned he wanted to get a bunch done around the house....I really didn't think he was that serious. I guessed wrong. He decided today was the day to move ALL of the bedrooms around. Have I ever mentioned that a sure fire way to make my Superman and I argue is ask us to move furniture together....Yup still works.
 Moving the bedrooms required us going through all the clothes in every dresser and closet, shampooing all the carpet, taking apart and reassembling every bed in the house.At least the Superman and I kept the yelling to a minimum :) We now have TEN bags of clothes and a box of stuff to go to Salvation Army. I'm pretty sure a few of our offspring would more than meet the requirements for an episode of Hoarders.....

We did discover this embroidered handkerchief with a bunch of table clothes in the back of our linen closet. I have honestly never seen it before....
It says...
Take This As Love Sign And Be Faithfull In Mine

Many Joys To You


Good Luck


Lucile Peterson is my maternal Grandmother. She was married in December 1933. I think that KM would be the one who embroidered the handkerchief,or maybe it was my Grandmother (LP) who made it? but KM is not my Grandad or any other relative that I can figure. So this is a mystery to me...Is KM a close friend wishing her luck in her marriage but then why just her maiden name and not Hamilton? Or could KM be a beau she had before my Grandad and she made it for him?? It is a man's handkerchief I think.... I will likely never know.

Its more than 88 years old and I am impressed that the colours of the thread are still so bright. It is beautifully done the back looks as good as the front...I think I will have it framed. I love family history especially when it becomes a mystery.


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