Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sunday Speaking

The Superman spoke in Church today...Since he's the one who assigns speakers each Sunday, It was a self inflicted burden....

I'm sure three weeks ago it seemed like a grand idea but the fact that Grant's on day 7 of a 9 day stretch at work and has had only a few hours at home made talk prep difficult...

Around the dinner table Saturday night (it was Pizza Hut and a case of Root Beer, does Root Beer count as a vegetable??) We were teasing Grant about having to speak...

"Careful Alex, I'll just assign you a talk" Without missing a beat Alex (13) says "As long as it can be on Dating or Sexual Purity!?!" {topics from the For Strength of Youth} Nice {something about that kid scares me ;)}

After days of bugging Grant to at least put "something" on paper...My scholar come home from work at 11 pm last night  and hands me a piece of paper with the word "something" written on it. Joy, every body's a comedian....

This morning I was actually impressed with the talk Grant managed to deliver....I would share quotes but they are on his i pod that died 5 minutes after Grant finished speaking :)

Grant has now served in the bishopric for nearly three years now and the calling has really changed his heart and today I could truly see and feel that. It is true that you come to love those whom you serve . He and our family are blessed for the opportunity to serve....


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