Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Awesome Parent=Awesome Kids

So I have come to realization that our "awesome" parenting is being completely lost on our "awesome" kids....

Last night, Grant and I walk in the door from HIS unsupervised car dealership expedition (next blog post)...

Mom its report card day, Dallyn announces as all his female siblings groan and give him death glares....

So a certain daughter chimes in "So like yeah, there was a problem with the printer at school and like yeah they can't print my report card for a few weeks..."

"Cough it up, now" Grant and I say in unison...

37% (pre- calculus) ... Did you even show up??? " I think you have to try to get that, don't you? Well... At least you don't suck in Foods!?! Was the only thing my genius brain had at the moment oh and a "trust me, there will consequences..."


10 minutes after that, while I'm on the phone catching up with my amazing SIL and my children are up stairs, rough housing, sounding like they are killing a herd of cats... Dallyn comes running down the stairs...as I try to shut the door before he bothers me I hear "Pretty sure, she will need stitches..." (referring to the genius that sucks at calculus) "Mom do you want to see it...No, Grant just take her in...I know I suck, but watching my kids bleed makes me sick and I hadn't talked to my SIL in forever :) Apparently the ER was dead and Superman and off spring sporting two stitches, were back in less than an hour...Minor for a Kramer...


So here is were my parental awesomeness comes in...

Trying to come up with suitable consequence for my calculus-sucking, stitched-up offspring..."aren't stitches enough, Mom" Nice try, but one had nothing to do with the other. Now if the stitches came from falling out of your desk, while studying for your Calculus exam?!? well maybe... But that is not the case.

I could take away her phone...

Screen time...

Social Life...


But in all my awesomeness and inability to decide which is most suitable...I did what all awesome parents do...

Said child now has 24 hours to come up with her consequence....

Honestly, they come up with way tougher things than I do...so we will see how she chooses to redeem her AWESOMENESS.


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