Monday, November 5, 2012

Bipolar Blessing

I hate to admit it ...Superman takes the win...shhh don't tell him I said that, kay? His "guest post" was the most viewed and commented on,  ever...Mostly by people we don't even know...Weird. Such an amazing outpouring of love for him and our family.

I'm not sure what prompted the willingness to share something so deeply personal to him and in a public manner, But it's something I've prayed for, for long's a load one cannot carry alone

The diagnosis isn't's something he/we have faced for more than a dozen years.  It's never been a secret or something we've hid or been ashamed of...Those close to us have always known.

It's not something I wake up every morning and's just part of our lives. We go to the psychiatrist like most go to the grocery store...just to pick up a few things we need :)

There have been dark and difficult times, when the illness was life-threatening and required hospitalizations,  but that is not now...

Bipolar is a blessing (no I am not going all "Pollyanna" on you either). I couldn't always say that, but I can now.

Superman's illness has strengthened our lives and taught us compassion and understanding in a way nothing else could have...

We enjoy and treasure the good times. We live in the now. When its more difficult we know that there is always, always hope and things will eventually get better.

We have learned the great power in a sincere "I'm Sorry"

We know that "In the quiet heart is hidden, sorrow that the eye can't see" It's made us a kinder (most of the time) family

We have felt great support and love through sharing our story, the common thread of mental illness has fashioned dear and amazing friends (and for the few that don't understand there are100's who do.)

We have learned to rely greatly on our faith and have witnessed tender mercies all along our way.

So thank you for all the love and support (but not the Superman winning part ;) ) So now you know why we really are the  Krazy Kramer's

1 comment:

  1. Love you both are winners in my books <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
