Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sunday Will Come

Being part of a RS presidency I get the opportunity to teach the first Sunday of the month about four times a year. Normally I don't have a hard time coming up with a topic {the other councilor in the presidency told me once I could talk the back legs off a donkey:)} But this time I really struggled with what I should teach. I wanted to talk about healing broken hearts, the grief process and being made whole, but was having a hard time tying to pull it all together...until I came across the talk "Sunday Will Come" by Joseph B Wirthlin (November 2006).

This is the presidency message for the March newsletter and yes I am happy with myself for getting it done before March....yeah me

Dear Sisters,
In Mathew 11:28 we read:
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

All of us have times in our lives when we experience frustration, disappointment, heart ache, grief, and/or loss. It is my testimony that there is help, hope and healing through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

Elder Joseph B Wirthlin in a talk entitled “Sunday Will Come” said this speaking of the Friday on which our Savior was crucified:

“I think that of all the days since the beginning of this world’s history, that Friday was the darkest.
But the doom of that day did not endure.
The despair did not linger because on Sunday, the resurrected Lord burst the bonds of death. He ascended from the grave and appeared gloriously triumphant as the Savior of all mankind.
And in an instant the eyes that had been filled with ever-flowing tears dried. The lips that had whispered prayers of distress and grief now filled the air with wondrous praise, for Jesus the Christ, the Son of the living God, stood before them as the firstfruits of the Resurrection, the proof that death is merely the beginning of a new and wondrous existence.
Each of us will have our own Fridays—those days when the universe itself seems shattered and the shards of our world lie littered about us in pieces. We all will experience those broken times when it seems we can never be put together again. We will all have our Fridays.
But I testify to you in the name of the One who conquered death—Sunday will come. In the darkness of our sorrow, Sunday will come.
No matter our desperation, no matter our grief, Sunday will come. In this life or the next, Sunday will come.”

I know with surety that our broken hearts can be healed and that peace can come into our lives again. With the help of the Atonement , dear friends and patience with ourselves it is possible for our hearts to be made whole.
Much love,
Sister Robin Kramer

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